art en Afrique - art in Africa

Musique, danse, peinture, art funéraire, art rupestre

  • Antics of the Artists – Bouffonneries des artistes / Rina Sherman
  • When Visitors Come – Quand les invites arrivent – Ovaryange Tji Veya / Rina Sherman
  • Bantou Éducation / Rina Sherman
  • eKhaya Revisited, Land of Shadows / Rina Sherman
  • Tchitundu-Hulu Rock Art – Tchitundu-Hulu art rupestre / Rina Sherman
  • Eugene Jardin, portrait of a sculptor / Rina Sherman
  • Akayzwe et Urugangazi – Danses et percussions de Burundi et Rwanda / Rina Sherman
  • Chicken Movie. Cluck! / Rina Sherman
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